Website Design

Your website is the front door to your business!

That's why we believe your website design should be driven by real results. In a world where first impressions are everything, your website should be warm and welcoming for potential customers to take that next step into your business.

More Than Just Web Design

Your website can be a powerful marketing tool. Using modern design trends, easy-to-use navigation, and clear messaging, your website will positively impact your ROI and overall business strategy. Imagemark designs and develops websites that are tailored to your exact goals and target audience.


Your business is unique and your website should be too! A custom website tells your brand’s story best, and that’s why every site we make is customized to fit your needs. Our web design and development team works with you to create an online experience that will tell your story and convert website traffic to customers.


Mobile web design is essential. Your customers are searching for businesses like yours on their phones and tablets. In fact, nearly 50% of all web traffic comes from a mobile device and that number will only keep rising. If your website doesn’t display correctly on mobile or the user experience is bad, you’re missing out on sales.

Luckily, you don’t need a mobile website AND a separate desktop website. All you need is one, device-responsive website. Using responsive web design, we’ll build your website to automatically adjust to fit any device:  smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. One fluid experience for your visitors and one website to update for you – win win!

Easy to Update

After you’ve launched, update content, images, and more all on your own! While we are happy to provide any needed updates to your website for you, we only use content management system-based platforms that give you more control over your website and the confidence to update it on your own. Whether you simply need to edit text, add blog posts, or publish a new page complete with photos and video, you’ll be able to do it. We give you training on the platform you choose before your site launches and are always available for additional support.

Marketing Ready

A website without a marketing plan is like a car without gas. It’s just not going to do what you want it to. That’s why every website we develop is created with digital marketing and SEO in mind. From site structure to page layouts, your website will be optimized for your target audience, keywords, and location(s) so you see higher conversions, such as more phone calls, form submissions or product purchases.

Are you ready to see what Imagemark can do for you?

Get a Free Marketing Consultation

  • Learn which marketing channels perform best for your type of business.
  • Get a sneak peek at the advertising your competitors are doing.
  • Discover how local and regional businesses use multi-channel campaigns to increase revenue.