Connected TV (CTV)

Connected TV Advertising for Businesses
Connected TV advertising refers to the practice of delivering targeted advertising to consumers through their internet-connected TVs, especially in the midst of the "cord cutting" that has been happening over the years. This can include smart TVs, streaming media devices, and gaming consoles, and other CTV devices. Connected TV advertising allows advertisers to target specific demographics and interests, and to deliver personalized ads in real-time. It also provides a more immersive and engaging experience for viewers, which can lead to higher levels of brand awareness and engagement.
87% of US adults own at least one connected TV, and almost half of US adults watch a connected TV daily.
Why Connected TV Advertising?
Connected TV advertising can be beneficial for a wide range of advertisers, including:
Consumer Brands
Reach a large and engaged audience with targeted and relevant advertising.
Reach consumers at key points in the purchase journey, such as when they are researching products or making decisions about what to buy.
Service Providers
Banks, insurance companies, telecom and other such service providers can use connected TV advertising to reach consumers who are in need of their products or services.
Entertainment and Media Companies
Use connected TV advertising to promote their content and reach potential viewers.
Political Campaigns
Use connected TV advertising to target specific demographics and reach voters with targeted messages.
So, why should you work with a connected TV advertising agency?

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