Programmatic Advertising

Right Audience, Right Time!

Deliver your advertising to people who want or need the products and services you offer. With Programmatic Advertising, your business is empowered to target audiences based upon their online behavior, demographics, content viewed, keywords, and more.

Ad Types Available

Display Banners

HTML5 Animated Banners

HD Video

Strategies at Your Disposal

Geographic Targeting

Ensure your ads only deliver within the city, state, zip code, or radius that you serve.

Audience Targeting

Use the power of major data providers to serve your ads to high quality audience segments which match your best customers.


Target your customers in real time as they visit competitors throughout your service area. Uses mobile device location data to serve ads in the moment.


Advertise to customers who were recently in competitor locations by using their mobile location data. They are currently shopping for exactly what you offer!

Keyword Targeting

Use keywords to focus your ads specifically on web pages with content that is directly relevant to the services or products you offer.

Contextual Targeting

Serve your ads on pages that fit within a specific context. For example:  business, finance, health, education, and more!

How do you execute a successful campaign?

There are multiple performance indicators which we monitor and for which we can optimize. We ensure the success of your campaign by optimizing for metrics like:

  • Click-through Rate
  • Reach
  • Frequency
  • Viewability
  • Return on Ad Spend
  • Cost per Action
  • And many more…

Ultimately, we know that your ad spend needs to convert real customers, so we build a marketing plan that drives people to that goal!

How does programmatic advertising work?


User visits a website


Website communicates with an ad exchange/SSP


SSP offers user info to DSPs


Advertisers place bids through a DSP


Highest bid wins the ad

So, what makes us different than any other marketing agency coming into your business to sell you on a programmatic strategy?

All of our marketing campaigns are actively managed in-house. Our team directly controls the placement process and bids on high-quality ad placements with high viewability. This ensures that your ads have the highest chances of actually being seen by your target audience, as opposed to displaying in a position on a site that the viewer never scrolls down to see. We provide you with a list of domains upon which your ads displayed, as well as your viewability metric! We also actively manage your campaign and make weekly optimizations to ensure your campaigns perform as well as they can. This might include items like adjusting budget to focus on a strategy that is performing better or even blocking websites that are performing poorly for your ads.

Programmatic Advertising is not a ‘set it and forget it’ kind of medium. That’s why we stand firmly on providing great service on actively managed campaigns that are structured to actually meet your goals.

Are you ready to see what Imagemark can do for you?

Get a Free Marketing Consultation

  • Learn which marketing channels perform best for your type of business.
  • Get a sneak peek at the advertising your competitors are doing.
  • Discover how local and regional businesses use multi-channel campaigns to increase revenue.